An Analysis of Fluvial Geomorphology Parameters Affecting Meander Migration and Dynamic Equilibrium of the White River in Arkansas


An analysis of a multitude of fluvial and morphological parameters was conducted to assess the current stability conditions of various White River reaches and to accentuate the contributions imparted by these parameters to the internal processes that governed the dynamic equilibrium within these reaches. The initial step involved the extractions and computations of pertinent fluvial and morphological parameters from the HEC-RAS Model and ArcGIS.Channel stability assessment emphasized three methodologies, namely stability assessment through parametric correlations between fluvial and morphological parameters; stability evaluation with the Rosgen Stream Classification System; and stability estimation through sediment analyses and sediment related parametric correlations. Morphological assessment implementing the Rosgen Stream Classification (RSC) system consisted of four inventory levels of classification. Sediment analyses conducted by implementing several sediment transport functions utilized the dominant bed materials attained from sieve analyses of approximately seven hundred soil samples collected from the channels of various ‘reference’ reaches

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