A lei italiana das obrigações do código civil de 1942 aos perfis atuais de uma evolução


ABSTRACTThis article examines the category of obligations and its evolution from the Italian civil code of 1942 to the present day. It mainly focuses on the figure of the non-performance obligation due to its theoretical and practical relevance. He then tackles the currently debated topic of recoding. KEYWORDS: Law, legal system, civil law, legislation RESUMENEl ensayo examina la categoría de obligación y su evolución desde el Código Civil italiano de 1942 hasta la actualidad. Se centra principalmente en la figura de la obligación sin desempeño debido a su relevancia teórica y práctica. Luego aborda el tema actualmente debatido de la recodificación. CÓDIGO JEL: K, K0The essay examines the category of obligation and its evolution from the Italian Civil Code of 1942 to the present. It focuses mainly on the figure of the obligation without performance because of its theoretical and practical relevance. It then addresses the currently debated issue of recodification. JEL CODE: K, K0L'essai examine la catégorie d'obligation et son évolution depuis le Code civil italien de 1942 jusqu'à nos jours. Il se concentre principalement sur la figure de l'obligation sans exécution en raison de sa pertinence théorique et pratique. Il aborde ensuite la question actuellement débattue de la recodification. CODE JEL: K, K

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