
We performed 99mTc pertechnetate brain scanning 27 Limes on 15 infantile subdural hematoma cases. These scannings gave positive results in 74%, doubtfully positive in 18%, and negative in 8%. In selected cases, scans were obtained after appropriate delay periods as well as at conventional times. In some cases, scans which were initially interpreted as borderline or negative were read as definitely abnormal on delayed studies. The radioactivity in the serial blood and subdural samples was measured in a well-type scintillation counter. This study clarified a part of the biodynamic mechanism underlying the successful detection of infantile subdural hematomas by external scintillation scanning. Our result shows that both the subdural fluid and subdural neomembrane influence the production of a positive scan, but whether the isotope is localized predominantly in the membrane or in the subdural fluid depends upon the kind of radioisotope used, hematoma age, the nature of the subdural fluid and the time interval between the injection of radioisotope and scanning. The total volume of the subdural space is assessable more exactly by the isotope dilution method than by the simple 2 dimensional gamma ray image of the subdural hematoma. This tells more of the clinical value because of its importance in planning the therapy

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