Analisis Aspek Kriminologi Putusan PN Mojokerto No: 691/Pid.B/Pn. Mkrt tentang Pembunuhan Berencana


The purpose of this research is to find out: (1) criminological aspects in the disclosure of planned murder cases decided by the Mojokerto District Court and (2) review of Islamic law on criminology aspects in uncovering planned killings decided by the Mojokerto District Court. Regarding the main substance of this research is an explanation of criminological aspects or points of view in the disclosure of murder cases planned by the Mojokerto court, in which case the acts of torture carried out in advance and the use of sharp weapons are aspects or perspectives of criminology in the disclosure of the case. The convincing evidence about the use of sharp weapons is a description of the action and the defendant himself and expert statements in the form of a statement or visum et repertum. And in Islam, all of those things raised about the criminological aspects, there are also explanations and provisions relating to it

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