FarmGuide- One-stop solution to farmers


Agriculture and the allied sectors largelycontribute to the livelihood of more than 70% rural population inIndia. Indian economy is highly influenced by these sectors whichcontribute to 18% of our country’s GDP. But the farmers, whoare the backbone of this system, suffer severe losses and thesuicide rate keep rising with more than 12,000 suicides per year.The main reasons for this include lack of awareness aboutmarket trends, ideal sowing dates as well as crop diseases thataffect the yield.With the help of Cognitive implications and thepredictive analysis using artificial intelligence, this situation canbe improved. This paper emphasises on creating a one-stopsolution that can provide assistance to the farmers at differentstages; from sowing to selling their product. The paper mainlyfocuses on three modules namely: Sowing dates prediction, CropDisease detection, and Market Intelligence along with Buyingselling Portal. As for the farmers, they do not need any specialtools other than mobile phones with an internet connection to usethese features, thereby making it practical and cost-effective.Availability of such a platform can increase theproductivity in the farms and thereby can be a boon to IndianAgriculture

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