Türkiye kıyısal arkeolojik çevreleri için bütünleşik yönetim politikaları: Erdemli-Silifke kıyı bölgesi, Mersin


Being important natural areas due to togetherness of terrestrial and water ecosystems; coastal araes (sea, lake and river coasts) possesses important historic and cultural environments shıowing relationship of mankind with water developed during different periods since ancient periods onwards. In this sense; having housed various civilizations since anquity onwards, Turkey has diverse and rich coastal archaeological sites. However, in addition to natural processes occuring in short and long terms due to their dynamic and evolving nature, athmospheric events, coastal erosions, climate change; developments of rapid urbanization, tourism, industry and infrastructure which have enourmously accelarated since Industrial Evolution have causes irreversibel destruction of natural, cultural and archaeological values of coastal araes. The coastal management policies that have been gaining importance during recent years aim to develop appropriate policies for providing sustainability of natural and cultural values of coastal areas within their conservation-use balance. Within the light of this information; the scope of this thesis is to identify integrated management policies for coastal archaeological environments and to discuss and bring together existing planning and management tools in Turkey in order to develop national management policies. For this purpose, in the First Chapter of the study, historical development of international policies, theoretical discussions and related concepts in relation with planning and and management of coastal archaeological areas is presented. Accordingly, principles related to concept of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) are put forth. This section is concluded with related to reasons and contents for necessities of integrated management of coastal archaeological environments. In the second Chapter of the study, the planning and management tools related with integrated management of coastal archaeological sites within the legislative and administrative system of Turkey are discussed. For this purpose; firstly, historical development archaeological heritage conservation and coastal policies are studied. Secondly; present tools related to decision-making process including survey and registration, planning, implementation, control and monitoring are displayed through the examination of the current situation. The Third Chapter includes case-study research which has been structured in two phases. In the first phase; Regional Analysis, by which impacts of national policies within the light of historic perspective and existing tools of Turkey on Mediterranean Region is put forward. Second phase of case-study includes detailed research related to values and problems of archaeological sites located in Erdemli-Silifke coastal region. The Fourth Chapter, includes evaluations related to results of case-study research. In this sense; the cultural landscape characteristics of coastal areas are put forward within the light of assessments regarding integrity of archaeological, natural and rural characteristics of Erdemli-Silifke coastal region. In the second phase; the natural and man-caused problems threatening these values, which are followed by administrative problems according to existing legislative and administrative system that have been displayed in the Second Chapter, are discussed. Within the light of these information and experiences, integrated management principles required for integrated conservation of coastal archaeological sites are proposed throughout the Proposals and Conclusions Chapter, which constitutes the last section of the study. In the second phase, an administrative model for case-study area is proposed. The last section of the study which forms the Conclusions phase includes evaluations to achieve development of national level policies in Turkey.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

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