Use of Soil-Structured Capillary Barrier can Mitigate the Impact of Saline-Irrigation Water on Marigold Grown Under Field Condition


Capillary barriers (CBs) as engineered porous composites is novel and promising technology for mitigating salinity and drought stress of plants. This study aimed to imitate a naturally formed CB structure recently discovered in the reservoir bed of Al-Khoud dam at the Governorate of Muscat in northern Oman and to test the impact of this unique CB on mitigating the salinity stress of marigold plants grown under an open field condition. A plot was constructed and divided into “structured” (engineered cascade CB design) and “unstructured” soils and planted with marigold (Tagetes erecta) plants that were subjected to four salinity treatments (control with ECi ≈ 0.6 dS m-1 ; 3 dS m-1; 6 dS m-1; and 9 dS m-1). Plant physiological, vegetative, and reproductive growth parameters were measured in each treatment. The results showed that the structured soil significantly saved irrigation water and reduce salts accumulation. Structured soil improved all vegetative and reproductive plant parameters measured and helped in reducing the effects of salinity stress on the growth and production of the marigold under arid-climate field conditions. The results also showed the capability of structured soil in water saving and improving water use efficiency. This study substantiates a novel method in mitigating salinity problem and in water saving in arid and semi-arid regions, in particular in Oman. Further studies are required to test the use of the engineered cascade CB design with different crops and with alternative (e.g. subsurface) irrigation methods

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