Preventive and Therapeutic Approaches towards Pandemic Infectious Diseases: An Ayurveda Review Based on Current Scenario


The evolution of human civilization witnessed health related consequences of many incurable diseases. The medical science developed gradually and combated effectively against such types of fatal diseases, but incurable or pandemic outbreak scarred whole word time by time. The whole world currently fighting against pandemic disease and in this situation the human civilization not only facing healthcare but economic burden also. The Ayurveda system described such pandemic conditions as consequences of Sankramak Roga and Ayurveda philosopher believe that pandemic condition arises due to the vitiation of Jala, Vayu & Doshas, etc. Ayurveda Samhita mentioned role of Krimi in the development of infectious disease and when such infection occurs in very short period of time on large scale then it becomes pandemic. Ayurveda suggested Nidaan Parivarjana, Panchakarma, Rasayana therapy and lifestyle modification for the management of such conditions

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