Persuasion Techniques in Animal Farm Novel by George Orwell (A Pragmatic Study)


This research entitled Persuasion Techniques in Animal Farm Novel by George Orwell (Pragmatics study) aims to: (1) identify the persuasion technique that produced by the pigs in the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell; (2) show the application of persuasion techniques of utterances produced by the pigs in the novel Animal Farm novel by George Orwell. This research analyzes persuasion techniques based on Rank‟s theory. Those are attention getting, confidence building, desire stimulating, urgency stressing, and response seeking. This research uses descriptive qualitative method in analyzing the data which are utterances produced by the pigs in Animal Farm novel by George Orwell. The data are collected by repeatedly reading the novel, collecting the utterances containing persuasion, and categorizing the utterances produced by the pigs in Animal Farm novel by George Orwell into the types of persuasion techniques. From the data analysis, I find 203 persuasion techniques in the utterances produced by pigs in Animal Farm novel by George Orwell that consist of 74 attention getting: 1 physical attention getting, 10 emotional attention getting, and 63 cognitive attention getting; 22 confidence building: 6 authority figure, and 16 friend figure; 81 desire stimulating: 69 explicit claim, and 12 implicit suggestion; 6 urgency stressing; and also 21 response seeking. Then, the application of those techniques can be different from each utterance and each pig character in the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell also has their dominant technique. In accordance with this research, persuasion techniques in the novel or other object can be further developed

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