An Analysis of Textbook for Banking Department Students Entitled English for Banking and Finance by Rosemary Richey


The objective of this study was to identify whether the textbook entitled English for Banking and Finance by Rosemary Richey meet the fourth semester students of Islamic Banking Department in IAIN Bengkulu’s needs. Content analysis technique was employed in this study. The data was gathered by analyzing the textbook using the checklist containing the constructed criteria of textbook evaluation. In the data analysis technique, the percentage of criteria fulfillment was calculated by dividing the total of criteria points which were met in a textbook for each aspect with the total of criteria points in each aspect. It was then multiplied by 100%. The result showed that English for Specific Purpose (ESP) Textbook entitled English for Banking and Finance for fourth semester students of Islamic Banking Program has fulfilled the criteria of material completeness, Content Coverage, Presentation, Learner’s Factor, and Design determined by constructed criteria from the theory of some experts by achieving average score 87%. Of the five proposed criteria, the four criteria could be classified “good” namely material completeness 89%, presentation 80%, learner’s factor 100%, and design 89%. Another aspect, namely content coverage was “fair” by achieving 78%

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