A Study on Effect of Smart Phone Usage on Cardiovascular and Hematological Parameters in Adult Population


Background: Worldwide, mobile phone usage has increased dramatically which could have affected the health of the people in India and across the globe as well. Mobile phone radiation may impact cardiovascular parameters like heart rate and other physiological parameters1 therefore it is highly suggested to explore the impact of mobile phone usage on the health of the human beings. Materials & methods: The present study was conducted at Integral university campus, Lucknow (From January 2019 to June 2019) in the Department of Physiology of IIMS&R, Lucknow. A total of 197 adult population were recruited who underwent monitoring for the study purposes. Blood pressure both systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP, DBP) was recorded using mercury sphygmomanometer. Total white blood cells (WBC) count was done by Haemocytometer method using Turk’s fluid as diluent. Cells were counted manually using compound microscope. Results: In our study, Subjects (n=21) whose systolic blood pressure were recorded to be >140 mmHg accounting for 10.65% of total subjects. Subjects (n=2) whose diastolic blood pressure were recorded >90 mmHg whose percentage is 1.01 of the total subjects studied. After adjustment for age and sex, the positive correlation was found between the duration of mobile phone usage and SBP, DBP with a p value of 0.169 and 0.386 respectively. Total WBC count was found to be higher than normal range in two number of subjects with a p value of 0.715. Conclusion: From this study, it can be concluded that the electromagnetic field created by mobile phone’s usage can change blood pressure (SBP, DBP) and can induce changes in the population of white blood cells

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