A study on alcohol dependence and it’s clinical implications among male patients attending a tertiary care hospital, Kolkata


Background: Alcohol intake is one of the major substance abuses and the problem of alcoholism is present throughout the world. It has been observed that alcohol dependence is associated with development of metabolic syndromes and chronic illnesses. Aims & Objectives: This study was conducted to find out the pattern of alcohol dependence and clinical features associated with different levels of alcohol dependence. Materials & Methods: It was a hospital based cross-sectional & observational study. Screening & assessment of alcohol dependence was done by using scales like AUDIT & ADS. Semi-structured questioner was used for assessing sociodemographic data for the total sample of 100 patients. 65 cases were selected finally after screening by AUDIT scale. Descriptive statistical analysis was done for obtaining results. Results: Findings suggests that among the patients a significant number of cases (41.5%) were in the category of substantial level of alcohol dependence. This study findings suggest that severity of alcohol dependence is directly associated with development of delirium ,physical comorbidities and sexual dysfunction.Conclusion: The burden of alcohol use is growing alarmingly in India and before it turns out to be a giant monster encroaching upon youths, we need to focus our attention in curbing this problem by diagnosing and treating alcohol dependent patients and using preventive measures, to not allow development of dependence at all

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