Pericarditis: Review [Perikardit]


Pericarditis is rather frequent disease in the inflammation pathologies of the heart. Firstly, infection agents and other patogens may cause pericarditis by inflammation. There are two clinical titles as acute and chronic pericarditis. Typical chest pain is the most marked clinical findings of acute pericarditis. Enfection pathogens, especially viral agents are the most important etiological reason in acute pericarditis. Right heart failure findings such as pretibial edema, ascites and hepatomegali are seen in chronic pericarditis. Cardiac surgery, malignancy, chronic kidney disease and tuberculosis are the main cause of chronic pericarditis. Nowadays, while classical clinical findings are useful for diagnosis of acute pericarditis, tissue Doppler imaging and magnetic resonans imaging are becoming the important techniques for diagnosis of chronic pericarditis. In this paper, we reviewed clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of the pericarditis. Copyright © 2005 by Türkiye Klinikleri

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