PENGHAPUSAN PATEN YANG CACAT HUKUM (Analisis Putusan Nomor 11 PK/Pdt.Sus-HKI/2020)


This paper analyzing Decision Number 11 PK/Pdt.Sus-HKI/2020 dated May 13, 2020. The purpose of the research in this paper is to find out how patent revocation can be considered legally flawed. The research method used is normative jurisprudence with a legal approach, and a case approach in the form of court decisions that have permanent legal force. Based on this research, it can be said that the Supreme Court in the decision said that notification of patent revocation to patent holders cannot be done simply by announcing it through electronic media such as web pages. Failure to comply with the annual patent payment obligation may still be subject to sanctions in the form of fines. Sanctions for the abolition of patents are not in line with the spirit of efforts to optimize Non-Tax State Income to support national development, as a source of state revenue that needs to be managed and used to improve services to the community.Keywords: Patents, Revocation of Patents, Legal Defect

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