
Objective: The present study was designed to find out the acute median lethal dose (LD50) of ammonium sulfate (inorganic fertilizer) in Wister albino rats.Methods: A single dose of ammonium sulfate dissolved in distilled water (Milli-Q) and administered intraperitoneally at concentrations of 10, 30, 50,70, 90, 110, 130, and 170 mg/kg body weight, respectively, to experimental animals, and then, they were observed every 3 hrs from prior dose giventime, later 6 hrs, 12 hrs, 24 hrs, to 48 hrs of noticing any abnormal behaviors and toxic signs, symptoms. After 48 hrs, counted the number of rats departed in each group and mortality percentage was calculated.Results: The obtained results were evaluated by the Statistical Probit Analysis Method and 48 hrs LD value for albino rats was found to be 91.5 mg/kg. At a single dose of 10 mg/kg, there is no morality and toxic behaviors were observed. Therefore, this concentration is considered as no observed adverse effect level dose. Conclusion: From the earlier consequences, identification and evaluation of the LD50 50 against ammonium sulfate is crucial for understanding thehyperammonemia because ammonium sulfate has been highly utilized as inorganic fertilizer in agriculture and household gardens. Thus, theknowledge about toxic impacts of ammonia useful for clinical or toxicological approaches; however, the toxicity data are unclear. Hence, the in vitroLD 50 evaluations of target chemical in Wistar rats is highly associated toward in ammonia-related peculiar disorders perceptive and therapy.Keywords: Ammonium sulfate, Fertilizer, Median lethal dose, Mortality, No observed adverse effect level.50 Objective:Thepresentstudywasdesignedtofindouttheacutemedianlethaldose(LD )ofammoniumsulfate(inorganicfertilizer)inWisteralbinorats.  Methods:Asingledoseofammoniumsulfatedissolvedindistilledwater(Milli-Q)andadministeredintraperitoneallyatconcentrationsof10,30,50,70, 90, 110, 130, and 170 mg/kg body weight, respectively, to experimental animals, and then, they were observed every 3 hrs from prior dose given time, later 6 hrs, 12 hrs, 24 hrs, to 48 hrs of noticing any abnormal behaviors and toxic signs, symptoms. After 48 hrs, counted the number of rats departed in each group and mortality percentage was calculated.  50 Results:  The  obtained  results  were  evaluated  by  the  Statistical  Probit  Analysis  Method  and  48  hrs  LD  value  for  albino  rats  was  found  to be91.5mg/kg.Atasingledoseof10mg/kg,thereisnomoralityandtoxicbehaviorswereobserved.Therefore,thisconcentrationisconsideredas no observed adverse effect level dose.  50 Conclusion:Fromtheearlierconsequences,identificationandevaluationoftheLD  againstammoniumsulfateiscrucialforunderstandingthe hyperammonemiabecauseammoniumsulfatehasbeenhighlyutilizedasinorganicfertilizerinagricultureandhouseholdgardens.Thus,the knowledgeabouttoxicimpactsofammoniausefulforclinicalortoxicologicalapproaches;however,thetoxicitydataareunclear.Hence,theinvitroLD 50 evaluations of target chemical in Wistar rats is highly associated toward in ammonia-related peculiar disorders perceptive and therapy. Keywords: Ammonium sulfate, Fertilizer, Median lethal dose, Mortality, No observed adverse effect leve

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