
Eggs of ruddy-ground dove, Columbina talpacoti (Temminck, 1811) were studied between January 6, to May 18, 2000 to determine their external characteristics, clutch size, period of incubation and eggs hatch. The observations were carried out at the main Campus of the University of Panama, located at 8°59’02” N and 79°31’59” W. Nests were localized by visual searchings, and, once eggs were laid, they were labeled, measured and described. Eggs were labeled according to the laying time in order to determine the period of incubation and the hatch time for each one. The eggs were white, oval, lightly granulous and lightly glossy. In thirty eight nest observed the clutch size was two with a mean of 1.34 eggs/nest and a mean of 1.89 eggs/active nest. The means for weight, length and diameter were 3.05g, 20.40 mm and 16.04 mm, respectively. The mean period of incubation was 12 days, and during day hours the incubation was carried out by the male. We found that 52.94% of eggs hatched. Most eggs were found at 2.30 to 3.90 meters. Laying process was recorded during the complete observations period and we found that January was the most successful month for laying while more eggs hatched during February and March. Nests with eggs were found only on 13 plant species, but the higher amount of nests with hatchlings were found only on Ficus benjamina and Veitchia merrillii. There were eggs that failure to hatch because of predation, enviromental conditions, perturbation caused by people and perhaps some eggs failed to hatch because were not fertilized.  Del 6 de enero al 18 de mayo del 2000 estudiamos los huevos de la tierrerita Columbina talpacoti (Temminck, 1811), para determinar su aspecto externo, el tamaño de la camada, la duración de la incubación y la eclosión. Las observaciones se realizaron en el Campus Central de la Universidad de Panamá, ubicada a 8°59'02" N. y 79°31'59" O., ciudad de Panamá. Mediante búsqueda generalizada localizamos los nidos y una vez que los huevos fueron puestos procedimos a marcarlos, medirlos y describirlos. Los marcamos en el orden en que fueron puestos para poder determinar el tiempo de incubación y eclosión de cada uno. Los huevos son blancos, ovalados, poco granulosos y poco brillantes. En 38 nidos observados, predominó la camada de 2 con promedio de 1.34 huevos por nido encontrado y 1.89 huevos por nido activo. Los promedios registrados para peso, largo y ancho fueron de 3.05g, 20.40 mm y 16.04 mm, respectivamente. El promedio de incubación fue de 12 días, observándose al macho incubar en el día. Eclosionó el 52.94% de los huevos. La mayor cantidad de huevos se encontró de 2.3 a 3.9 metros de altura. La ovoposición se registró durante todo el período de observación, destacándose enero como el mes más exitoso en este aspecto, pero en febrero y marzo se dio la mayor cantidad de eclosiones. Sólo en 13 especies de plantas encontramos nidos con huevos, Ficus benjamina y Veitchia merrillii presentaron la mayor cantidad de nidos con huevos eclosionados. Hubo huevos que fracasaron por depredación, condiciones atmosféricas, perturbación por personas y probablemente por la presencia de huevos no fecundados

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