Recent developments in hazardous pollutants removal from wastewater and water reuse within a circular economy


Data availability: The authors declare that the data supporting the findings of this study are available within the manuscript. Further data can be requested (if need be) by contacting the corresponding author.Copyright © The Author(s) 2022. Recent advances in wastewater treatment processes have resulted in high removal efficiencies for various hazardous pollutants. Nevertheless, some technologies are more suitable for targeting specific contaminants than others. We comprehensively reviewed the recent advances in removing hazardous pollutants from industrial wastewater through membrane technologies, adsorption, Fenton-based processes, advanced oxidation processes (AOP), and hybrid systems such as electrically-enhanced membrane bioreactors (eMBRs), and integrated eMBR-adsorption system. Each technology’s key features are compared, and recent modifications to the conventional treatment approaches and limitations of advanced treatment systems are highlighted. The removal of emerging contaminants such as pharmaceuticals from wastewater is also discussed.Khalifa University through the Center for Membranes and Advanced Water Technology (CMAT), under grant number RC2-2018-009

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