What are the goals of care for older people living with frailty when they access urgent care? Are those goals attained? A qualitative view of patient and carer perspectives


Study objective: Little is known of the goals of care of older people living with frailty when they access urgent care. Equally whether these goals are attained from a patient and carer perspective is often unclear. This qualitative study examined the views of older people living with frailty and their families in relation to specific episodes of urgent care, what they wanted to achieve and whether those goals were attained. Methods: Semi-structured interviews with older people living with frailty and their families between Jan and July 2019. Patient and carer participants were recruited in three hospitals in England and interviewed following the urgent care episode. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed following the principles of the Framework approach. Results were validated by an older people's involvement group. Results: Forty participants were interviewed either alone or jointly (24 patients and 16 carers), describing episodes of urgent care which started in ED for 28 patients. The goals of care for participants accessing emergency care were that their medical problem be diagnosed and resolved; information about tests and treatment be given to them and their relatives; they receive an appropriate well-planned discharge to their own home with support where needed and without readmission or re-attendance at ED; and that they retain mobility, function and normal activities. Participants perceived that many of these goals of care were not attained. Conclusions: Older people living with frailty have heterogeneous urgent care goals which require individual ascertainment. Identifying these goals of care early could result in improved attainment through person-centred care

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