Co-production of post-diagnostic psychosocial interventions with carers of people with intellectual disability and dementia


Copyright © 2020, Emerald Publishing LimitedThis paper aims to underline the importance of using a collaborative approach when designing and adapting a post diagnostic psychosocial intervention of cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) for people with intellectual disability and dementia. As part of a service improvement, a manual of CST was adapted, for delivery in clinical practice. A qualitative co-production method allowed participants with a lived experience to provide regular feedback relating to the development of the adapted CST manual and intervention programme. This feedback was used to make continual development changes to the CST manual. The study demonstrated co-production with those who provide care is valuable in adapting psychosocial therapies for people with an intellectual disability and dementia. Additional findings identified the need for carer education in ageing, dementia care, and the physical health needs for older people with intellectual disability. This is the first study that has used a co-production approach with families and carers in adapting a group therapy programme for people with an intellectual disability. This paper underlines the need for post diagnostic clinical interventions for people with dementia and those who provide care

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