
The Analysis of Injuries and Mortality Risks Level as a Result of Road Accident in Regions of the Central and Eastern Europe


In the article the analysis of the frequency, traumatism and mortality of road accidents has been carried out at the regional level for the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and has made it possible to draw conclusions regarding certain spatial features of the distribution of these indicators and on the nonrandom nature of the location of their values on maps of the CEE regions featured in the study. On the basis of methods of spatial statistics and econometrics we have demonstrated the existence of a spatial structure in the distribution of the risks and consequences of road accidents in the various regions. Cluster analysis has enabled us to distinguish uniform clusters of regions categorised by the risks, traumatism and mortality rates of road accidents. Based on an analysis of these indicators we have introduced the evaluation of an integrated safety level for regions of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. This allows us to estimate the complex influence of the risks and their consequences road accidents on the level of safety for certain regions or groups of regions. The results of the research which has been conducted can be used for the improvement of national and regional programs of road and transport safety, and for the development of strategies and actions aimed at reducing the risks and consequences of road accidents in certain regions

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