
AbstrakPermasalahan yang terdapat di Kawasan Kuliner Pasar Lama Tangerang adalah masalah kemacetan pengendalian parkir yang tidak teratur. Adapun salah satu sarana fisik di kawasan tersebut yaitu area parkir badan jalan.. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis karakteristik parkir, ruas jalan serta memberikan alternatif pemecahan masalah sesuai dengan ketentuan MKJI 1997. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Volume kendaraan yang masuk area parkir pada Jumat, 13 November 2020 sebanyak 34 mobil dan 41 motor, Sabtu, 21 November 2020 sebanyak 48 mobil dan 65 motor dan Minggu, 27 November 2020 sebanyak 41 mobil dan 61 motor. Akumulasi parkir terbesar pada hari Sabtu sebanyak 11 mobil terjadi antara pukul 08:00-08:59 WIB dan Minggu sebanyak 104 motor terjadi antara pukul 14:00-14:59 WIB. Durasi parkir Sabtu rata-rata parkir mobil adalah 1,81 jam/kend dan 2 jam/kend untuk motor. Pada hari Sabtu Indeks parkir mobil terbesar adalah 120,93% pukul 16:00-16:59 WIB dan 108,26% untuk motor terjadi pada Selasa pukul 17:00-17:59 WIB. PTO terbesar adalah 1 kend/SRP/waktu pengamatan. Dilihat dari analisis ruas jalan untuk kecepatan survey di jalan Kisamaun di jam puncak pagi, siang dan sore memliki tingkat pelayanan atau Level of Service (LOS) yaitu D. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa terjadi tingkat arus kendaraan pada sore hari Sabtu, 21 November 2020 dari 16:00-17:00 WIB.  Kata kunci: Akumulasi Parkir, Angka Pergantian Parkir, Durasi Parkir, Indeks Parkir, MKJI 1997, Ruas jalan, Tingkat pelayanan, Volume Parkir AbstractThe problems contained in the Tangerang Old Market Culinary Area is a problem of irregular parking control congestion. One of the physical facilities in the area is the parking area of the road body. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of parking, road sections and provide alternative problem solving in accordance with the provisions of MKJI 1997. The result of this study is the volume of vehicles entering the parking area on Friday, November 13, 2020 as many as 34 cars and 41 motorcycles, Saturday, November 21, 2020 as many as 48 cars and 65 motorcycles and Sunday, November 27, 2020 as many as 41 cars and 61 motorcycles. The largest parking accumulation on Saturday as many as 11 cars occurred between 08:00-08:59 WIB and Sunday as many as 104 motorcycles occurred between 14:00-14:59 WIB. The average Saturday car park duration is 1.81 hours/vehicle and 2 hours/kend for motorcycles. On Saturday the largest car park index was 120.93% at 16:00-16:59 WIB and 108.26% for motorcycles occurred on Tuesday from 17:00 to 17:59 WIB. The largest PTO is 1 vehicle/SRP/observation time. Judging from the analysis of road sections for survey speed on Kisamaun road in the peak hours of morning, afternoon and afternoon have a level of service or Level of Service (LOS) namely D. This indicates that there is a level of vehicle flow in the afternoon Saturday, November 21, 2020 from 16:00 to 17:00 WIB. Keywords: Parking Accumulation, Parking Turn Over, Parking Duration, Parking Index, MKJI  1997, Road Section, , Level of Service, Parking Volum

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