Realization of peace from the perspective of the role of higher education in the field of diplomacy: experience of academic diplomacy in Iran


New diplomacy with a focus on new actors is a ground for removal of misconceptions and solution of conflicts through communication, dialogue and reach of consensus. Higher education institution, especially universities, can be referred as new actors in the field of diplomacy. They can play an important role in communicating mutually and symmetrically. According to the authors, universities can provide the ground for removal of misunderstanding which is the root of violence at the level of communication within universities, both in a form of diplomacy Track II and also, through playing role in the science and technology diplomacy framework and they can be effective in promoting the culture of peace while they present positive image and enhance the country’s position in the international arena. So, in present study, it was tried to analyze the promotion of culture of peace in terms of the effectiveness of higher education on diplomacy institution and also, the position of higher education institution in the diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran by descriptive-analytical method and relying on the Habermas’s communicative action theory.  The results showed that the universities can contribute to the realization and promotion of peace through affecting diplomacy and relying on science and knowledge which are international language; also provided that there is purposeful policy-making to maximum use of the potential of higher education institutions in general, and specifically universities. Especially in Iran, despite negative beliefs, universities can provide positive images in international arena.Keywords: higher education, university, peace, science diplomacy, diplomacy Track I

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