Comparative study of the role of expert and non-expert librarians, to attract users, public libraries and public libraries of Tehran Municipality Art and Cultural Organization of Tehran


Objective: A comparative study of the role of expert and non-expert librarians to attract users, public libraries and public libraries of Tehran Municipality Art and Cultural Organization of Tehran, is in 1395.Research Methodology: This study is functional and causal-comparative. A questionnaire was used for data collection. According to methods of sampling and Morgan table from among 33 users of public libraries and covered by the Art and Cultural Organization of Tehran Municipality, the 6 districts of Tehran and using simple random sampling of 548 of the users as the sample were chosen.Findings: The results show that, compared to professional librarians in non-specialist librarians, in terms of how to respond 93/7 percent and 88/8 percent in terms of how service users in how to deal with 45/28 percent , better and more effective role to play. There is a significant difference in the level of error of 1%.Originality/value: In today's world, attracting the users, to study in libraries has gained momentum. This issue has caused librarians to attract users, the libraries have a sense of responsibility. Therefore, to further improve this problem, it should be a quantitative index, turned.Keywords: Professional librarians, librarians lay, attract users, public libraries Cultural Organization, the Tehran municipalit

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