The supplementary irrigation effects on drought tolerance and ornamental characteristics of safflower varieties


Supplementary irrigation is a high-performance operation for increasing crop production and income of farmers in dryland conditions. In order to study the effect of supplementary irrigation on drought tolerance and ornamental characteristics of safflower genotypes an experiment was conducted in 2013-14 at North Khorasan Dryland Agricultural Research Station. The experimental design was split plot based on RCBD. Factors were included five levels of irrigation, i.e., no irrigation, irrigation at rosette stage, flowering stage, seed filling and irrigation in flowering + seed filling as the main factors, and sub factors were varieties in three levels included Feraman, Sina and Syrian. The effect of supplementary irrigation on harvest index, seed/main head, seed/sub head, thousand kernel weight and seed yield was significant. The effect of supplementary irrigation on traits: RGR, CGR, hollow seeds, number of flowers and flower size was not significant. The highest yield and harvest index were obtained with irrigation at flowering stage in "Feraman". Since the "Feraman" variety has shiny red flowers and spineless leaves, is a good plant for flower trade.Keywords: carthamus tinctorius; flower color; optimum irrigation; spineless leaf

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