Safety in the workplace: The burden and pattern of markers of Hepatitis B virus infection in routine blood samples in haematology laboratory at Irrua, Edo, Nigeria


Hepatitis B virus [HBV] infection is a worldwide problem resulting in many deaths yearly from cirrhosis and liver cancer. Regrettably also, healthcare workers get exposed to blood-borne pathogens, including hepatitis B virus at work. HBV infection in immuno-competent hosts results in acute fulminant illness which may be fatal, partially resolved to become chronic, or completely resolved. HBV immunization in the country cover neonates and health workers leaving many people uncovered. Lack of monitoring and confirmation of successful HBV immunization in heath workers reduces coverage in this group leaving many susceptible to HBV infection at work. We aimed to determine the magnitude of this risk for occupational exposure to HBV infection. We therefore analyzed sixty nine routine blood samples coming to our Haematology laboratory at Irrua, Edo, Nigeria, using the five parameter hepatitis B virus kit manufactured by Micropoint Diagnostics USA. Results showed that HBsAg, Ant-HBs, HBeAg, Anti-HBe and Anti-HBc were reactive in 11.6%, 23%, 1.4%, 7% and 7% of our study samples indicating that the burden of HBV infectivity is high. We recommend active monitoring and routine confirmation of successful HBV immunization in health workers with expansion of the program to cover more of our population.Keywords: Chronic HBV Infection, Occupational exposure, Immunization, Management of Chronic HBV infectio

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