Identifying locations suitable for innovative urban public transport integration in Gauteng province


Abstract: Globally, integrated urban public transport has been used as a solution to improve public transport services and reduce private cars reliance which assist to reduce traffic congestion on the roads. In South Africa, Gauteng province, is challenged with traffic congestion on roads during certain peak hours daily. In Gauteng province, the government developed innovative urban public transport systems to improve the state of reliability and frequent movement of urban public transport which are the BRT system and the Gautrain system. However, there is still lack of reliability and seamless travelling. Therefore, this paper aims to explore locations where innovative urban public transport systems (BRT system and Gautrain system) can be integrated in the province. The study adopted qualitative research design that facilitated the gathering and analysis of spatial data and qualitative data from the innovative urban public transport officials, commuters and the GIS data (BRT and Gautrain shapefiles). Results revealed that there are numerous locations that can be integrated where commuters can switch from one urban public transport system to the next in order to improve travelling by public transport. The study concluded that this level of integration can create seamless travelling in the province and easy access to different modes of public transport. The study recommends that the identified locations need to receive attention as most commuters of these innovative UPT systems are located around these areas and the use of the created model in the study

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