Evaluation of Transverse Lie at Term by Ultrasonography


Context: Transverse lie at term may have adverse consequences on both the mother and the foetus.Evaluating transverse lie at term by ultrasonography may reduce these adverse consequences andimprove both the maternal and fetal outcome.Objectives: To determine predisposing factors to persistent transverse lie at term using abdominalultrasonography and the outcome of such pregnancies.Study- Design, Setting and Subjects: This was a cross-sectional study of pregnant women at term withpersistent transverse lie referred to the Ultrasound Unit of the Federal Medical Centre, Lokoja, Nigeria.Results: Out of a total of 1296 scanned during the evaluation period, 42 (3.2%) had transverse lie atterm. Five (11.9%) patients were primigravida and 37 (88.1%) multipara. No predisposing factors wereseen on ultrasound in 25 women (59.5%). Placenta praevia was diagnosed in 11 (26.2%), lower segmentfibroid in 5 (11.9%) and pelvic kidney in 1 (2.4%). Thirty nine patients (92.1%) were delivered bycaesarean section (CS). Three (7.1%) spontaneously converted to longitudinal lie [1 Breech and 2Cephalic]. All 3 were delivered per vaginam. There were no maternal deaths but there were 2 stillbirths.Conclusion: Majority of the patients had no predisposing factor seen on ultrasound and were largelymultiparous women. Placenta praevia was the commonest predisposing factor found atultrasonography. Caesarean section rate was very high, largely due to the fact that external cephalicversion (ECV), which has been advocated as an alternative mode of delivery of infants lying transverselyat term, is not currently practised in our centre.Key Words: Transverse Lie, Malpresentation, Ultrasound, Caesarean Sectio

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