Book Reviews


Mllir's Text-book of Pathology. 7th edition. Revised by D. E Cappell, C.RE., M.D., ER.EP.S., M.R.C.P., ER.S.Ed. Pp. xx + 1,201. 733 figures. 70s. net. London: Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd. 1958.Recent Advances in Cerebral Palsy. Edited by R. S. Illingworth, M.D., ER.C.P., D.P.H., D.C.H. pp. x + 389. 136 illustrations. 50s. net. London: J. & A. Churchill Ltd. 1958.Son or Daughter by Choice. A guide to sex predetermination in humans and animals. By August J. von Borosini, Sc.D. Pp. 120. Illustrations. 23s. 9d. Amsterdam: E. J. Steinmetz. 1958.Die Hormonale Behandlung von Zyklusstorungen. Ein Leitfaden fill die Praxis. Von Dr. Med. Rolf Kaiser. viii + 48 Seiten. 38 Abbildungen und ein Anhang mit 10 Tabellen. DM 5.80. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag. 1958

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