'Ken' as deel van die spraakpatroon van die verteller in die Johannesevangelie


'To know' as part of the pattern of speech of the narrator in John's gospel.In line with modem narrative theory, this study presupposes that point of view is manifested on several planes in the narrative. It is argued that in John's gospel the phraseological plane should play a key role when point of view is established. With this presupposition in mind the pattern of speech of the narrator is shown. The narrative is ripped lengthwise along 'to know' and related terms. A cross-cut is then made at those points where 'to know' and related terms occur. As a result of this method a distinct pattern of speech emerged. From this pattern it is concluded that the narrator's point of view is that Jesus is the legitimate Christ because He knows that He was sent by the Father and that He will return to his Father. Because of this knowledge Jesus obeys His Father

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