Assessment of social networks used by undergraduate students in Faculty of Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria


Social networks have cut across all facets of society with its pros and cons. It has transformed and impacted on communication, learning, research and education in general. Students are spending much of their time on social networks and are considered the largest category that uses such application. This study tries to explore the social networks used by undergraduate students of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Some literatures related to the study were reviewed accordingly and research objectives were outlined. The survey answers these questions and the result was presented using descriptive statistics. The findings have shown that undergraduate students of Ahmadu Bello University have access to social networks and their exposure to the site has influence on their academic performance. Moreover, Facebook and WhatsApp is the most used social networking sites by the students. The findings were adequately so also summary, conclusion and recommendations were provided for.Keywords: Influence, Social network, Undergraduate student and Academic performanc

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