Preliminary limnological survey of Ori stream, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria


Ori stream (one of the tributaries of River Oba, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria) was studied from October to December 2013 with the aim of providing baseline information on its water quality, phytoplankton primary productivity and invertebrate faunal composition. Plankton samples were collected by towing plankton net over a 2 metres horizontal distance, while benthic macroinvertebrate samples were collected by kick-sampling technique. Hydrological and some physico-chemical variables were  determined in-situ, and water samples collected for further physico-chemical analyses in the laboratory. A total of 17 phytoplankton species, seven species of zooplankton and eight species of benthic  macroinvertebrates were recorded. The upper reach of the stream was the most polluted with the presence of biological indicators of poor water quality, while the lower reach recorded some biological indicators of good water quality. Although the upper reach recorded the highest gross primary productivity, the highest net primary productivity was recorded at the stream’s lower reach. Water quality typically decreased from the upper  reach of the stream towards the middle reach but later picked up at the lower reach before discharging into River Oba. The physico-chemical and biotic nature of the different reaches were a reflection of human activities in and around the stream. Keywords: Benthic macroinvertebrates, conservation, headwater stream, plankton; primary productivity, water quality

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