Most frequently selected shade for advance restoration delivered in a tertiary hospital facility in south western Nigeria


Background: Bulk purchase of Porcelain materials with some in less use and expiring before being exhausted has resulted in colossal economic loss in the past and present in our environment. Having knowledge of prevalent shade in this environment will minimize this loss. Objectives: The study aimed at auditing the shade selection and identifying the most frequently selected shade for advanced restoration in the Conservative Dentistry Clinic as well as assessing the influence of gender and age on choice of shade selected. Methods: This is a retrospective study of shade selection for advanced restorations fabricated over a period of seven years in the University CollegeHospital Dental Clinic spanning January 2009 to December 2016. Data collected which was analyzed using the SPSS Version 22, includes: Socio demographic data, oral hygiene status and social habits, designation of the doctors that took the shade, types of advanced restorations, tooth/teeth restored, shades selected and types of shade guides used if indicated. Results: The outcome of the study showed that ‘A’ group shades were more chosen for advance restorations (50.6%). However, Vita shade A3 was  the most selected of all the shades, while shade C4 was the least selected. Lighter shades of ‘A’ were more frequently selected in female patients  (57%) while shade ‘D’ were chosen in the greater percentage of male patients (60%). Younger age groups less than 45years old tend to have lighter shade selected for their restorations. (Fig. 2). Conclusion: Vita shade A3 (3M3) was the most frequently selected shade for aesthetic advanced restoration. Lighter shades are generally selected more in the female patients and younger age group. Keywords: Shade selection, Shade guide, Advance restoratio

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