Laparoscopic Retrieval Of Perforated Intrauterine Device


We present a case of successful laparoscopic retrieval of a perforated intrauterine device (Lippes loop). The Lippes loop was inserted after manual intrauterine adhesiolysis as a treatment of uterine synaechia presenting as secondary amenorrhoea of 20 months duration. The uterine perforation in this patient did not occur at the time of insertion but possibly during the attempt at transcervical removal of the missing IUD by manipulation with the retrieval hook. Double puncture laparoscopic technique under ketamine general anaesthesia was performed to remove the IUDwithout complication and patientwenthome the same day. Keywords: Laparoscopy, Missing Intrauterine Device (IUD), Lippes Loop, Uterine Perforation Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice Vol. 11 (4) 2008: pp. 394-39

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