The Pattern of Admissions into the MedicalWards of the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu


Objective: To study the pattern of medical admissions at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH), Enugu, with a view to determining the disease trend and providing a comparative analysis with the previous study conducted in the same centre in the preceding five-year period. Method: A review of admissions into the medical wards of the UNTH, Enugu, over the five year period between December, 1998 and November, 2003, was done using the register of admissions and discharges; as well as a review of the case file where necessary. Results: The patients admitted during the period numbered 7399, with age range of 15 to 102 years. There were 4324 (58.4%) males and 3075 (41.6%) females, with a male to female ratio of 1.4:1. Disorders of the cardiovascular system accounted for 1389 (18.8%) of the admissions, and those of the central nervous system 1178 (15.9%) while HIV-related disorders accounted for 501 (6.7%) respectively. Non-communicable diseases accounted for 4493 (60.3%) of the cases while communicable diseases accounted for 2906 (39.3%). There were more admissions in the wet season (April to September), with 56.8%, while the month of December cumulatively recorded the least admission rate. The mean hospital stay was 15.5 (±15.4) days. Conclusion: The study shows an increasing trend in medical admissions at the UNTH, Enugu, with noncommunicable diseases and male gender preponderance, while 53% of those affected are in the 30 60 years range. Serious efforts at revamping the health sector services and facilities, and particularly, national and local strategies to combat non-communicable diseases, are emphasized. Keywords: Pattern, medical admissions, teaching hospital, Enugu. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice Vol. 11 (3) 2008: pp. 185-19

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