Effect of different combination levels of palm kernel cake, yam peel and plantain peel meals as partial replacement for maize in broiler starter diets.


Ninety six unsexed day old Marshall broiler chickens were divided into 4 groups of 3replicates each on weight equalization basis (42.87 – 43.24g). The chicks were usedto determine the effect of partial replacement of maize with combinations of palmkernel cake (PKC), yam peel meal (YPM) and plantain peel meal (PPM) in broilerstarter diets. Four broiler starter diets were formulated such that diet T1 (control)contained 54% maize. Diets T2, T3 and T4 contained PKC, YPM and PPM in theratios, 1:1:2, 1: 2:1 and 1: 1: 2 replacing 50% of maize. The chick groups were eachrandomly assigned to one of the experimental broiler starter diets in a completelyrandomised design (CRD) experiment. The feed and water were offered ad libitum.Results indicated that birds on diet T4 recorded significantly (p<0.05) higher(861.63g) body weight gain than those on other diets. Feed intake followed similartrend with birds on diet T1 recording significantly (p<0.05) lower (1564.63g) valuethan other groups. Feed conversion ratio was comparable (p>0.05) for all groupswhile feed cost savings relative to the control diet ranged from 23.51 – 24.51%. Birdson diets T4 recorded the lowest feed cost per kg body weight gain. It is concluded thatcombinations of PKC, YPM and PPM could safely replace 50% of maize in broilerstarter diet with 1: 1: 2 combination ratio producing a superior performance.Key Words: Combinations, Palm kernel cake, Yam peel, Plantain peel, Broiler

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