Kshara (Alkali) has been in existence from ancient times. Their importance lies in the fact that they can be comfortably utilized to replace certain surgical procedures. Its properties are compared with that of Agni (fire) and yet it has its own special features too. Like although it is Ushna (hot) it is Sheeta (cool) in touch, although it has cutting and corroding property it can be utilized to be consumed orally as a medicine. And this is what makes it special. It is derived from plant, animal as well mineral sources. Its potency can be changed by combining various Kshara as per the need and requirement of the patient. Many Kshara’s have been described in our texts. This article aims at compiling those Kshara and elaborating their properties. There are also few Kshara which have not been classified as Kshara but which possess all the properties of Kshara, such Dravya have also been described in the current article. It is a review of Kshara and their properties as described in various Ayurvedic texts with special emphasis on Rasashastra (Iatrochemistry of Ayurveda) texts