Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine having eight important branches. Agada Tantra is one of them which deals with Visha (poison) its manifestation and its treatment. In Ayurvedic texts Mooshika Visha is described well. There are eighteen types of Mooshika, signs and symptoms of their bite and its treatment is described by Sushrutaacharya and Vaagbhataacharya. There are five modes of spread of Mooshika (rat) poison. Semen, faeces, urine, scratches by nails and bites with teeth of Mooshika are poisonous. In case of Mooshika bite, bite site should be cauterized and blood letting should be done. After this various drugs paste should be applied on bite site. Various putrifictory therapies should be given e.g. Vamana (Vomiting), Virechana (Purgation), Nasya (Nasal medication), anjana (Collyrium) etc. Various drug preparations like medicated ghee, decoctions, paste of drugs, juice of drugs are described. Ayurvedic treatment of Mooshika poisoning can be given in all diseases where source of infection is rat