A Brief Review and Influence of Buddhism on Ayurveda


Darshanas are the major source of philosophical principles of Ayurveda, The word Darshana is derived from the Sanskrit words “Drish” Dhatu and “Lyut” Pratyaya. The combination of these words makes the word Darshana, which means to see or to have sight. It can be defined as the media or instrument through which the reality of the world can be viewed. “Drishyate Anena Iti Darshanam.” It is the vision of truth, It is the mirror image of objects of the world and It is Yathartha Jnana Sadaka. To know the secrets of real knowledge about the different problems of creation and to have distinguishing knowledge about Good and bad, Real and False, Happy and unhappy, To find out the cause of miseries and sickness knowledge of philosophy is very vital. It helps to understand the reality of life. Mainly three types of Darshanas are there, Astika, Nastika and Astika-Nastika. Buddhism being AstikaNastika (intermediate) Darshana has profound influence on Ayurveda principles, especially in Ashtanga Hridaya it can be witnessed strongly

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