Ayurvedic management of Diabetic Foot Ulcer - A Case Study


There are 424.9 million adults estimated to currently have diabetes globally.[1] Diabetic patients have an inherent risk of foot problems. Globally every 30 seconds, a major amputation occurs; 85% of which are preceded by trivial foot lesions.[2] In Ayurvedic literature, it is explained that Pidakas are formed in Adhoshaka in patients with Prameha due to the weakness of Rasayanis of lower limbs.[3] Such Pidakas if neglected over a period of time, without treatment will undergo Paaka and form a Vrana. Acharya Sushruta has described Shashti Upakramas (60 modalities) for the successful management of Vranas. Among them this article highlights the use of Shodhana, Kshara Varma, Chedana, Ropana and Bandhana Upakramas in the management of Diabetic Foot Ulcer/ Madhumehajanya Dushtavrana and also the need of Shastrakarma (surgical intervention) at the right time. In this study, Triphala Kashaya Avagaha and Pratisaraneeya kshara Karma for Vranashodhana, Chedana Karma followed by Ropana with Jatyaditaila was carried out. The course of treatment carried out brought about Dushtavranaavastha to Shuddhavranaavastha

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