Comparative Analytical Study of Dhutturadi Taila prepared in two different media


Background: Sneha Kalpana is one among the several highly established Kalpana of Ayurvedic system of medicine. Many types of Taila Kalpana are mentioned in Ayurvedic classics and used effectively in therapeutic practice. Tila Taila is the most commonly using Taila. However Narikelataila, Erandataila, Sarshapataila, etc, are also used in special conditions. It is interesting to note that certain preparations are available in the market based on both TilaTaila and Narikela Taila. This is an attempt to comparatively evaluate the formulation Dhutturadi Taila prepared in Tila Taila and Narikela Taila as the bases. Dhutturadi Taila mentioned in Sahasrayogam is taken for the present study. Objectives: To comparatively analyse Dhutturadi Taila samples with classical and advanced analytical techniques. Materials and Methods: Dhutturadi Taila was prepared using two media i.e. Narikela Taila and Tila Taila. Both Taila samples were comparatively analysed with suitable physicochemical parameters and advanced instrumental methods of analysis. Conclusion: As per the existing result it seems that more amount of marker components are extracted into Tila Taila medium when compared with Narikela Tail

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