A comparative clinical study on Brihmana effect of Ashwagandhaadya Ghrita Snehanapana and Matra Basti in Karshya w.s.r. to Under Weight


Background: Karshya as per classics has Shushkasphik, Udara, Greeva, Dhamanijalasantata, Twagasthishesha, Kshuda, Pipasa, Sheeta, Ushna, Vayu, Varsha, Bharadan Asahishnuta and it is similar to the clinical features of under-weight/under nourishment includes loss of weight, muscle wasting, loss of subcutaneous fat, stress, fatigue and general weakness. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted as a randomized clinical trial and carried out in the Dept. of Panchakarma during the year 2016 - 2018. Patients with Dourbalya and anxious to gain weight were included in the study. Their age group was in between 18-45 years. 30 patients who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected for the study. Patients were randomly allocated into two groups. Group A and Group B. In patients of Group A, Ashwagandhadya Ghrita as Brimhana Snehana 1 Pala i.e. 48ml daily in two divided doses for 15 days with Ushnodaka. In Group B, Ashwagandhadya Ghrita as Matra Basti i.e. 50ml daily for 15 days. Results: Statistically, Body weight is highly significant at the level of p<0.001. In Matra basti group in comparison to Snehapana group

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