Effect of Punarnavadi Mandoor and Shiva Gutika in Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis - A Case Report


Objectives: To minimise the dose of Anti-platelet drugs and to treat the acute case of DVT through Ayurvedic oral medications. Methods: The present diagnosed case of DVT approached to OPD of KLE BMK Ayurveda Hospital with a complaints of swelling and pain in the calf muscle of the left lower limb associated with reddish brown discoloration in the foot and occasionally nasal and gum bleeding was treated consequently for 5 months with Punarnavadi Mandoor and Shiva Gutika orally. Results: There is significant decrease in the symptoms of DVT and also major changes seen in Venous Colour Doppler study of the left lower limb. Conclusion: Acute DVT is caused by a blood clot in a deep vein and can be life threatening as it may leads to serious complication like pulmonary embolism which can be cured through Ayurvedic oral medications

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