A Critical Review of Rukshana Karma in Clinical Practice


Acharya Charaka explained six unique treatment modalities which are called as Shadvidhopakramas. Rukshana is one among those Upakramas. The Word ‘Upakrama’ has several meaning like planning, beginning, remedy and preparation etc. here Upakrama refers to planning a suitable treatment modality and working to execute it. Shadvidhopakrama includes Langhana, Brimhana, Sthambhana, Rukshana, Snehana and Swedana. These can be broadly classified under two headings as Santarpana and Apatarpana. Santarpaniya Upakramas are Brimhana, Snehana and Sthambana, where as Apatarpaniya Upakramas are Langhana, Rukshana and Swedana. Out of these six types, Rukshana is of the same importance as others. The details of Rukshana will be dealt in this article

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