A Litreary Review of Vishama Jwara and its principle of treatment


In Ayurveda, Jwara is not merely the concept of raised body temperature, but as is said in Charaka Samhita, 'Deha- Indriya- Manah- Santap' is the cardinal symptoms of Jwara. This can be defined as the state where the body, mind as well as sense oragans suffer due to the high temperature. Vishamajwara is a type of fever, which is described in all Ayurvedic texts. Charaka mentioned Vishamajwara and Chakrapani have commented on Vishamajwara as Bhutanubanda, Susruta affirmed that Aagantuchhanubhandohi praysho Vishamajware. Madhavakara has also recognised Vishamajwara as Bhutabhishangajanya (infected by microorganism). Vishamajwara is irregular (inconsistent) in it's Arambha (nature of onset commitment), Kriya (action production of symptoms) and Kala (time of appearance) and possesses Anushanga (persistence for long periods). The treatment of this disease depends upon Vegavastha and Avegavastha of Jwara. Various Shodhana and Shamana procedures are mentioned in classics to treat Visham Jwara

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