Assessing the potential demand for and effectiveness of integrating STI/HIV management services with Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council\u27s clinic-based family planning services


HIV/AIDS is a threat to individual lives and the national economies of many sub-Saharan African countries, despite efforts to contain its spread. The region also suffers from high levels of other reproductive tract infections (RTIs), some of which increase the risk of sexual transmission of HIV. The control of RTIs is therefore seen not only as an important reproductive health care strategy, but as a key strategy in reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS. Most national health care programs in the region are actively seeking cost-effective ways of implementing an RTI management program that would reduce and prevent RTIs and HIV. To date, most emphasis has been placed on managing RTI/HIV within high-risk groups, but many programs are now trying to reach a bigger proportion of the at-risk population through integrating RTI/HIV management services into existing maternal and child health/family planning (MCH/FP) programs. As noted in this baseline survey report, a variety of methods were used to collect and synthesize information that could be used in developing an appropriate and cost-effective approach to the integration of RTI/HIV within FP services

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