Extending prevention of mother-to-child transmission through postpartum family planning in Lesotho


Recognizing the need to improve the care and follow up of mothers and infants in the postpartum period, the Lesotho Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW), with technical support from the Frontiers in Reproductive Health (FRONTIERS) of Population Council and funding from PEPFAR/RHAP/USAID, carried out an operations research project to strengthen the existing postpartum care services. This study had a specific focus on strengthening linkages with existing PMTCT follow-up and family planning services during the postpartum period by changing the number, timing, and content of postpartum consultations that a woman and her newborn should receive. The key findings indicated that facilities were prepared or needed minimal adjustments to provide the postnatal care services. Provider knowledge and practice improved and there were increases in the number of women testing for HIV; the proportion of providers who would recommend the lactational amenorrhea method and condoms to postpartum women; and women who said they intended to use family planning. The report recommends that MOHSW make efforts to sustain this initiative and roll out the package to the rest of the country, and includes policy issues that need to be addressed

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