Pengaruh Inovasi Produk Dan Media Sosial Terhadap Minat Beli BTS Meal di Mcdonald’s (Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa FEB Program Studi Manajemen UNISMA 2017)


Abstract This study aims to determine the effect of product innovation and social media on buying interest in BTS Meal at McDonald's case study at the Faculty of Economics and Business Management Study Program, Islamic University of Malang 2017. This study uses explanatory research and quantitative approaches. The sample in this study was 110 respondents who were taken from the formula according to Malhotra's theory. The analytical technique used in this study is multiple linear regression with the help of SPSS 22. The results of this study indicate that product innovation and social media simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on buying interest. Product innovation has a positive and significant effect on buying interest. Social media has a positive and significant effect on buying interest. Keywords: Purchase intention, product innovation, social medi

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