Workforce satisfaction level in military organization: a case study using Fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks


The effective management of productive resources in organizations has become, in contemporary times, a factor of competitiveness. Decision makers seek more assertive means to manage the companies’s activities and therefore see the intellectual capital as a promising core to operate and optmize. In the context of the pursuit of excellence in management processes, this research aims to determine and analyze the degree of satisfaction of the civil work force, in a military facility located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, through the study of the perceptions of the staff concerning indicators of quality of life at work. This research aims to make tangible complex data of quality of life at work and the expectations of the employees and transmute them into output of satisfaction. Therefore, we used Fuzzy Logic to study complex data and Artificial Neural Networks, to decompose attributes in neurons, arranged in affinity groups, and their subsequent submission to the intelligent layer system: i) fuzzyfication ii) inference and iii) defuzzyffycation. It was observed that after the use of the application, the level of employee satisfaction was "regular" and it was very near the "Poor" level proposed by this modeling. Thus, lessons were learned about the motivating factors of the civil work force, as well as we obtained a starting point for the implementation of improvement actions

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