Effective Methods for Incorporating Problem-Based Learning into Library Instruction


User-centered instruction that capitalizes on the computer competencies of Generation Y, while engaging them in team-based, active learning activities is the foundation of the Roger Williams University library instruction program. These sessions mirror new and evolving pedagogies designed to minimize the lecture and maximize student involvement in their own learning. Citing examples from classroom experience, two instruction librarians will demonstrate how to create and effectively use problem or case-based classroom activities in required writing and speech classes in a mid-sized liberal arts university. The main points will be: Developing the pedagogy underlying the problem-based activities; Establishing the goals of each instruction session; Identifying the ACRL Information Literacy Standards which are addressed in each exercise or activity; Writing or defining the problem or case; Identifying the appropriate resources to be used in the activity; Describing the process and procedures of the classroom activity; Collaborating with classroom faculty in order to create relevant activities; Describing the student outcomes of the exercises/activities. Attendees will learn the principles of PBL and how to incorporate them into a one-shot library instruction session using current topics and online resources. They will experience an active-learning exercise in which they develop their own problem related to one of their classes, define the ACRL Standards being addressed, and identify the expected learning outcomes

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