Peningkatan Kualitas Keunggulan Daerah Berbasis Pengembangan Internal Business Process Untuk Menghadapi Bisnis Global ASEAN 2015


ABSTRAK Pasar Tunggal ASEAN 2015 memungkinkan produk asing masuk ke dalam pasar domestik. Faktanya sekarangpun produk asing telah membanjiri pasar domestik sehingga mematikan industri pengolahan dalam negeri, karena produk domestik kalah bersaing. Hal ini terjadi karena produk domestik dianggap berkualitas rendah, mahal, desain kurang menarik, serta pemeliharaannya lebih rumit. Meningkatkan daya saing produk lokal dapat dilakukan salah satunya melalui pengembangan internal business process, sehingga akan dihasilkan produk lebih berkualitas, efisien (melalui value added activities), serta pengiriman tepat waktu, dan berikutnya kepuasan konsumen dapat dicapai. Internal business process yang diterapkan dalam memproses produk unggulan di tiap daerah adan meningkatkan daya saing daerah tersebut. Bila hal ini terjadi secara menyeluruh, maka kestabilan ekonomi negara dapat dicapai dan tidak perlu didikte oleh produk asing. Kata kunci: pasar tunggal 2015, produk asing, produk domestik, internal business                     process. ABSTRACT ASEAN single market 2015 allows Indonesian domestic market to open to all asean products. In fact, many imported products has come to domestic market and fill all markets more and more. And one impact of this condition is many of manufactured industries has become bankrupt, now adays, due to their uncompetitive products, like higher price but with low quality, low design, and also difficult to maintain . The development of internal business prosess could be used as one of the toos in oreder to develop domestic products quality. And through this tool, company can achieve good quality of product, efficiency, and on time delivery and further more custmers will be satisfied.If every town has implemented this too, we are not doubt that every town can increase their competitiveness. From the macro point of view, all these condition will come-up to nation economic stability and we are all not depend on imported product. Keywords: asean community 2015,foreign product, domestic product, internal business                     process

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